Steven Tyler Helps Raise Money For Annual ForEverglades Gala
Steven Tyler of Aerosmith helped raise $2.5 million at the ForEverglades gala at the Breakers hotel in Palm Beach, Florida. Tyler headlined the Everglades Foundation benefit with help from his backing band Loving Mary. The boys lit up the stage with a host of classics, including “Sweet Emotion,” “Walk This Way,” “Dream On,” and “Cryin’.”More »
By on February 20, 2015
Steven Tyler of Aerosmith helped raise $2.5 million at the ForEverglades gala at the Breakers hotel in Palm Beach, Florida. Tyler headlined the Everglades Foundation benefit with help from his backing band Loving Mary. The boys lit up the stage with a host of classics, including “Sweet Emotion,” “Walk This Way,” “Dream On,” and “Cryin’,” along with covers of “Piece of My Heart” and “The House of the Rising Sun.” “Having such an acclaimed artist help bring awareness to protecting and restoring America’s Everglades is appreciated and we are grateful for Steven Tyler’s support,” said Eric Eikenberg, Everglades Foundation CEO. Proceeds from the event went to “protect and restore this fragile ecosystem that provides fresh water for nearly 8 million Floridians.” The foundation’s board underwrites all of the foundation’s administrative and fundraising expenses, allowing 100 percent of the funds raised at the benefit to support these programs. Copyright(c) 2015 All Rights ReservedLess «