John Mellencamp’s sons have reportedly pleaded guilty on charges of misdemeanor battery. The charges stem from a 2013 incident in which the two young men, 19-year-old Speck and 20-year-old Hud Mellencamp, attacked a man in Bloomington, Indiana. According to documents filed at the time, Speck was punched by the man while attempting to break up a fight between two girls. The Mellencamp sons and another man then allegedly retaliated by visiting the man’s home where they kicked, punched and stomped on the man. The three were initially charged with felonies but those charges were reduced as the court claimed their victim “did not sustain significant bodily harm.” John apparently tried to lay down his own form of justice on Speck a year earlier, but was unsuccessful, as he explained to David Letterman while sporting a black-eye, “My son and I had words, and he got a punch in and I didn’t [. . .] He’s 6-foot-2 and weighs almost 200 pounds,” he explained. Copyright(c) 2015 All Rights ReservedLess «