Brian May Supports British Green Party MP
Queen guitarist Brian May has joined a handful of U.K. celebrities supporting a Green Party MP in the upcoming U.K. Parliamentary elections. May, along with Radiohead fronter Thom Yorke and Billy Bragg appeared at the Pavilion in Brighton earlier this week to sign a statement in support of Green Party MP Caroline Lucas.More »
By on April 29, 2015
Queen guitarist Brian May has joined a handful of U.K. celebrities supporting a Green Party MP in the upcoming U.K. Parliamentary elections. May, along with Radiohead fronter Thom Yorke and Billy Bragg appeared at the Pavilion in Brighton earlier this week to sign a statement in support of Green Party MP Caroline Lucas. “Over the last five years Caroline has eloquently addressed many of today’s most pressing issues – from accelerating climate change to sustainable farming, from human rights to a just and sustainable economy,” the statement reads. “This leadership matters all the more at a time when the mainstream parties are finding it so hard to address these challenges properly.” “Regardless of our own political allegiance, we believe that our democracy can only be strengthened by maintaining such a strong and inspirational presence in Parliament.” Copyright(c) 2015 All Rights ReservedLess «