Phil Rudd Arrested For Breach Of House Arrest
AC/DC drummer Phil Rudd has reportedly been arrested for breaching the terms of his house arrest sentence. The rocker was allegedly caught using alcohol in his home on New Zealand’s North Island. Rudd began his home detention on drug charges earlier this month and allegedly spent Sunday night in jail. The 61-year-old rocker was then released on bail until August 2.More »
By on July 20, 2015
AC/DC drummer Phil Rudd has reportedly been arrested for breaching the terms of his house arrest sentence. The rocker was allegedly caught using alcohol in his home on New Zealand’s North Island. Rudd began his home detention on drug charges earlier this month and allegedly spent Sunday night in jail. The 61-year-old rocker was then released on bail until August 2, when he will appear back before his Tauranga District Court date. Though detained in his home, Rudd is prohibited from drinking or possessing any alcohol. He also made recent headline for filing an appeal to what many believe was an incredibly lenient sentence. Rudd claimed that while he pleaded guilty to the drug charges and attempted to hire a hitman to have someone killed, it was all due to drug-fueled psychosis. Copyright(c) 2015 All Rights ReservedLess «