Paul Stanley of KISS has returned fire after Dee Snider of Twisted Sister went on Eddie Trunk’s show and criticized Tommy Thayer, who joined KISS after the departure of Ace Frehley. Snider says that Thayer is a cheap imitation of Frehley. “I don’t see how people could accept this. Tommy Thayer? I’m sorry. It’s insulting. Not only did he play in a tribute band of KISS, he’s imitating Ace in his entire act!” During an appearance on Talk Is Jericho, Stanley called Snider a “wannabe.” “Let me put it in the simplest terms. In this case, this guy is a wannabe, has always been a wannabe and desperately wants attention and to be taken seriously and that will never happen because he’s obviously clueless that he and his whole band are a bunch of buffoons.” Copyright(c) 2015 All Rights ReservedLess «