Joe Elliott Blames Biker Exhaust For Bronchial Spasms During Def Leppard Tour

Def Leppard’s Joe Elliott is blaming motorcycle exhaust for bronchial spasms he experienced on the band’s latest tour. Saying it’s been bothering him for the past nine weeks, Elliott blamed his condition on the band’s performance at this year’s Sturgis Motorcycle Rally in South Dakota.More »

By on November 14, 2015

Def Leppard’s Joe Elliott is blaming motorcycle exhaust for bronchial spasms he experienced on the band’s latest tour. Saying it’s been bothering him for the past nine weeks, Elliott blamed his condition on the band’s performance at this year’s Sturgis Motorcycle Rally in South Dakota. “It’s when you’ve got a cough and all the doctors can’t figure out why you have it. It’s one of those random things, I just cough for no reason, but luckily I’ve managed to avoid it onstage.” Looking back on the Sturgis show, Elliott confessed he believes his issues started after exposure to the “dust and gas emissions” at the rally. “They line up their bikes and rev their engines while you play. When you’ve got 30,000 doing it, you can imagine the kind of air you’re breathing in. It can’t be good for you.” Copyright(c) 2015 All Rights ReservedLess «

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