Don McLean And Wife Agree To Dismiss Protection Order Request
Don McLean, recently arrested and charged with a domestic violence related misdemeanor, has convinced his wife Patrisha to drop her order of protection against him. A statement from the pair says that “[n]either party is seeking a divorce,” and that they are trying to “move forward and rebuild their lives.” Patrisha added a statement on Don’s website explaining the change of hearMore »
By on January 26, 2016
Don McLean, recently arrested and charged with a domestic violence related misdemeanor, has convinced his wife Patrisha to drop her order of protection against him. A statement from the pair says that “[n]either party is seeking a divorce,” and that they are trying to “move forward and rebuild their lives.” Patrisha added a statement on Don’s website explaining the change of heart. “I did not intend to define Don or our relationship based solely on the events recounted in the statement. Don has a big heart. He and I had many happy times in the 30 years of our marriage, and what has recently transpired is unfortunate for all of us.” She previously wrote a statement giving a different picture. “On Jan. 17, Don terrorized me for four hours until the 911 call that I think might have saved my life,” she wrote. She later said she didn’t expect those words to be made public. Copyright(c) 2016 All Rights ReservedLess «