Steve Miller band member Kenny Lee Lewis and Nikki Sixx have come to his defense after the legendary rocker made disparaging comments about the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. Miller’s scathing comments prompted the Black Keys’ Dan Auerbach, who inducted Miller, to call the process “disappointing,” which then led to record business pundit Bob Lefsetz to weigh in. “F- the whining Black Keys,” Lewis said in response to Lefset’z’s newsletter. “They will be day-old bread by next decade. But ‘The Joker’ will be playing in space stations into the next millennia like in Guardians of the Galaxies! Steve honestly did not know who the Black Keys were and frankly didn’t care, and was extremely disappointed before he even showed up.” Sixx added, “The sooner this travesty is dismantled (in the name of rock ‘n’ roll) the better.” Copyright(c) 2016 All Rights ReservedLess «