Neil Young made a guest appearance on The Late Show With Stephen Colbert. The pair discussed Young’s distaste for GMOs on the late night show. “A study just came out saying there’s absolutely no nutritional difference between people in Europe, who generally don’t eat GMOs, and Americans, who do eat GMOs,” Colbert said. Young replied, “That must be a Monsanto study that didn’t notice the terrible diseases and all of the things that are happening – why these things have been banned throughout Europe and throughout the world – why 38 countries around the world banned GMOs. They didn’t just label them.” After this a man claiming to be a genetically modified ear of corn gets in an argument with Young and in the end explodes into popcorn all over Young and Colbert. Colbert also asked Young if he’s a supporter of Bernie Sanders to which Young replied, “I feel the Bern big time,” although he also said he can’t vote in the election since he’s a Canadian citizen. Copyright(c) 2016 All Rights ReservedLess «