Rod Stewart Set For New Animated Beatles Music Series
Rod Stewart has reportedly signed on to appear as part of a new Netflix original series. The new show, titled Beat Bugs, is an animated kids series that will feature the music of the Beatles performed by contemporary artists. The show will also include appearances by Jennifer Hudson, Aloe Blacc, Robbie Williams, Frances and The Lumineers.More »
By on August 4, 2016
Rod Stewart has reportedly signed on to appear as part of a new Netflix original series. The new show, titled Beat Bugs, is an animated kids series that will feature the music of the Beatles performed by contemporary artists. The show will also include appearances by Jennifer Hudson, Aloe Blacc, Robbie Williams, Frances, The Lumineers and Tori Kelly. It is set to premiere on the streaming network on November 18 and word of the new series was just announced at the recent Television Critics Association meeting. Season 1: Pink: “Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds” James Corden: “I’m A Loser” Aloe Blacc: “Rain” Robbie Williams: “Good Day Sunshine” Eddie Vedder: “Magical Mystery Tour” Frances: “In My Life” The Shins: “The Word” The Lumineers: “Honey Pie” Sia: “Blackbird” Season 2 Rod Stewart: “Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band” Chris Cornell: “Drive My Car” Regina Spektor: “And Your Bird Can Sing” Jennifer Hudson: “I’ll Follow The Sun” Of Monsters and Men: “Eleanor Rigby” James Bay: “Hey Bulldog” Tori Kelly: “I’m Happy Just To Dance With You” Copyright(c) 2016 All Rights ReservedLess «