Paul McCartney Thinks About His Next Album

Paul McCartney says that he has a “lot of ideas” when it comes to his next studio album, his first since 2013’s New. “Music is like a psychiatrist,” he said. “You can tell your guitar things that you can’t tell people. And it will answer you with things people can’t tell you. But there’s a value to sad songs. Something bad happens, you don’t want to repress it. So you unload it on yourself, with a guitar . . .”More »

By on August 10, 2016
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Paul McCartney says that he has a “lot of ideas” when it comes to his next studio album, his first since 2013’s New. “Music is like a psychiatrist,” he said. “You can tell your guitar things that you can’t tell people. And it will answer you with things people can’t tell you. But there’s a value to sad songs. Something bad happens, you don’t want to repress it. So you unload it on yourself, with a guitar. I’ve got a couple on my next album which are a bit – [makes a shocked look]. But it works, because with songs, you can do that.” He even concedes that he does not expect his next record to do very well in the sales department because the scene has changed. “I’ll put out my next album, but I won’t think I’m gonna sell a lot,” he added. “I’m putting it out because I have songs that I like. And I will do my best job. The scene has changed, but it doesn’t disturb me, because I had the best of it – selling 100,000 a day on something like ‘Mull of Kintyre.’ I’ve had the joy of that. If I don’t have it now, it’s not just about me. All of my contemporaries, who are still pretty cool, don’t have it, because things have moved on. And you know what? We had it. And it was great.” Copyright(c) 2016 All Rights ReservedLess «

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