Former Guns N’ Roses guitarist Ron ‘Bumblefoot’ Thal has been diagnosed with bladder cancer for a second time. “2 weeks ago I was diagnosed with bladder cancer again,” Thal posted on Facebook. “Two tumors, immediate surgery needed, got it the morning after the Metal Allegiance show, *all is fine* (carefully played the Rock Against Dystrophy All Star Edition 2016 show a week later, playing in Brazil tomorrow), re-checks every 3 months for the next 2 years.” “Nodules on both lungs as well, too small to crack the chest open for, gotta re-check those in a year for changes,” he added. “Like I said in the interview, ‘as long as you’re happy and you’re living well, that’s what matters.’ Happy to be making music, to be doing what I set out to do 40 years ago. With great people, for great people. That’s living well. Love ya’s!!” Thal last performed with GNR back in 2014. Copyright(c) 2016 All Rights ReservedLess «