Former ELO Drummer Will Miss Rock Hall Introduction
Former Electric Light Orchestra drummer Bev Bevan has revealed that he will not join the band for their upcoming induction into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. He opened up about the his reasons for missing the event, stating that he will be on tour in the UK at the time.More »
By on March 28, 2017
Former Electric Light Orchestra drummer Bev Bevan has revealed that he will not join the band for their upcoming induction into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. He opened up about the his reasons for missing the event, stating that he will be on tour in the UK at the time. “These dates have been sold out for some time, and when the news broke about our induction, it was too late to change them,” wrote Bevan. “It would have been fantastic to meet up with Roy, Jeff and Richard again.” He adds: “I have been incredibly fortunate to have had a life in the music business from my first band ‘Rocking Ronnie & The Renegades’ to Black Sabbath and all the bits in between,” he wrote. “It has been a blast and I still get a buzz every time I walk out onstage. However, I would like to add that without the support of the record-buying and concert-going public my great career could never have happened. So a huge thank you goes out to everyone who has ever purchased a record that I played on or been to any of the concerts.” Copyright(c) 2017 All Rights ReservedLess «