Gene Simmons Speaks At Chuck Berry’s Memorial Service
Gene Simmons paid a special tribute to rock legend Chuck Berry at his recent memorial service. The service took place at the Pageant music venue in Berry’s home of St. Louis and Simmons noted that he forever changed the face of popular music.More »
By on April 11, 2017
Gene Simmons paid a special tribute to rock legend Chuck Berry at his recent memorial service. The service took place at the Pageant music venue in Berry’s home of St. Louis and Simmons noted that he forever changed the face of popular music. “These shades are going to help me a lot because in back of them are real tears. He was breaking down barriers that nobody suspected. Chuck, he changed more little white boys and white girls lives than all the politicians with their big talk just by making them move. Just by grabbing a hold of them on the outside and the inside and changing their lives.” He added: “Look at what Chuck Berry and his music has done. I see white faces in the audience. When Chuck first started, that would never have happened. He broke down the barriers, made all kinds of people’s hearts and minds open up to the idea that we all belong to the same people.” Copyright(c) 2017 All Rights ReservedLess «