Billy Joel Teases Possible Collaboration With Pink
Billy Joel has dropped the hint that he may have a collaboration with Pink in the works. He made the revelation during a recent discussion with Los Angeles Times, in which he noted that despite his lack of new music in the past 24 years, he’d be willing to return to new music if the time was right.More »
By on May 9, 2017
Billy Joel has dropped the hint that he may have a collaboration with Pink in the works. He made the revelation during a recent discussion with Los Angeles Times, in which he noted that despite his lack of new music in the past 24 years, he’d be willing to return to new music if the time was right. He reveals that part of the reason for his lack of new music was that he would often quit writing music out of frustration: “I’d turn into a caveman – walk around kicking things,” he said. Later in the interview he divulged whom exactly the “mystery” pop star was that he had connected with: “As Joel sipped Crown Royal from a plastic cup in the moments before he went onstage, he mentioned that he and Pink had recently gotten together and thrown around some ideas. He wasn’t sure what would come of it but said he’d had a good time,” reads the L.A. Times expose. Copyright(c) 2017 All Rights ReservedLess «