Brian May Blasts British PM Over Fox Hunting
Queen legend Brian May has sounded off against British Prime Minister Theresa May over her continued support for fox hunting. He sounded off in a series of posts on social media after May stated that she has personally favored the sport.More »
By on May 11, 2017
Queen legend Brian May has sounded off against British Prime Minister Theresa May over her continued support for fox hunting. He sounded off in a series of posts on social media after May stated that she has personally favored the sport. “It’s official today,” the 69-year-old wrote. “The battle lines are now drawn. This awful woman will bring back blood sports, unless we stop her in her tracks.” May made the comments: “As it happens, personally I have always been in favour of fox hunting and we maintain our commitment … to allow a free vote.” May cited this quote in his post and added: “This changes everything. The battle lines are now drawn. This awful woman will bring back blood sports. Unless we stop her in her tracks . . . If the outcome is another David Cameron-led government then we’re back in the saltmines. Like many people, anything but that would be good.” Copyright(c) 2017 All Rights ReservedLess «