Brian May Auctioning Signed Guitars For Charity
Queen’s Brian May has revealed plans to auction off a selection of his guitars for charity. For the auction, May has autographed 11 Badger brand guitars and the proceeds from each sale will go toward charities that protect badgers in the U.K. and Europe. The animal has long been targeted by hunters and viewed as a blight by farmers.More »
By on August 24, 2017
Queen’s Brian May has revealed plans to auction off a selection of his guitars for charity. For the auction, May has autographed 11 Badger brand guitars and the proceeds from each sale will go toward charities that protect badgers in the U.K. and Europe. The animal has long been targeted by hunters and viewed as a blight by farmers, but May has consistently pushed back against efforts to downsize badger populations: Anne Brummer, spokesperson for May’s Save Me Trust, says: “The trust’s core work is in halting the badger culls and protecting and strengthening the Hunting Act. Science clearly shows that killing badgers will never stop bovine TB in cattle. Save Me aims to work collaboratively to find the solution to this devastating disease.” Mark Badger of Badger guitars says: “Hopefully through the auction and surrounding publicity generated over the coming weeks more people will awaken and be made aware of all the cruelty and stupid acts that have been taking place over the past several years.” Copyright(c) 2017 All Rights ReservedLess «