David Bowie Gave Permission For ‘Twin Peaks’ Reboot Appearance
Prior to his death, David Bowie reportedly gave permission for his character to return on a future episode of Twin Peaks. The Thin White Duke had =appeared in the 1992 Twin Peaks movie and his character was revived for a cameo appearance during a dream sequence of the show’s current reboot.More »
By on September 15, 2017
Prior to his death, David Bowie reportedly gave permission for his character to return on a future episode of Twin Peaks. The Thin White Duke had =appeared in the 1992 Twin Peaks movie and his character was revived for a cameo appearance during a dream sequence of the show’s current reboot. The news came via Sabrina Sutherland, the executive producer of Twin Peaks: The Return. During a recent Reddit AMA she confirmed that prior to his death, Bowie knew his character would return in the reboot. Sutherland noted that he “did give us permission to use his clips in this season.” Bowie’s character was brought back using doctored footage from his previous appearance which appeared in Fire Walk With Me. Copyright(c) 2017 RTTNews.com. All Rights ReservedLess «