Roger Waters has responded to Nick Cave, who dismissed Waters’ plea to cancel his concert in Israel last weekend. Waters urged Cave to cancel the show “while apartheid remains.” Cave went ahead with the performance, telling local press how it would be a defiant statement against anyone “who tries to censor and silence musicians.” “Nick thinks this is about censorship of his music? What? Nick, with all due respect, your music is irrelevant to this issue, so is mine, so is Brian Eno’s so is Beethoven’s, this isn’t about music, it’s about human rights,” Waters said in a statement. “We, hundreds of thousands of us, supporters of BDS and human rights throughout history all over the world join together in memory of Sharpeville and Wounded Knee and Lidice and Budapest and Ferguson and Standing Rock and Gaza and raise our fists in protest. We hurl our glasses into the fire of your arrogant unconcern, and smash our bracelets on the rock of your implacable indifference.” Cave has yet to respond to Waters’ criticism. Copyright(c) 2017 All Rights ReservedLess «
Roger Waters Issues Retort To Nick Cave Press Conference

Nov 21, 2017, 12:00 AM