German Broadcasters Drop Roger Waters Concerts

German public broadcasters have dropped plans to air concerts next year by Roger Waters, citing what they call “accusations of anti-Semitism against him.” Five television and radio affiliates of Germany’s national ARD network have dropped plans to broadcast concerts by Waters in Berlin and Cologne scheduled next summer.More »

By on November 30, 2017

German public broadcasters have dropped plans to air concerts next year by Roger Waters, citing what they call “accusations of anti-Semitism against him.” Five television and radio affiliates of Germany’s national ARD network have dropped plans to broadcast concerts by Waters in Berlin and Cologne scheduled next summer. RBB, a regional ARD affiliate in Berlin and Brandenburg, said by dropping Waters it wanted to send a message to other artists who refuse to perform in Israel. “Taking a clear position here is an important signal for RBB to the Jewish communities in Berlin and Brandenburg,” RBB director Patricia Schlesinger said in a statement. Josef Schuster, president of the Central Council of Jews in Germany, supported the move, calling the “quick and decisive reaction” by the public broadcasters “an important signal that rampant antisemitism against Israel has no place in Germany.” Marek Lieberberg, Waters’s tour director called the broadcasters’ decision “absolutely ridiculous.” Copyright(c) 2017 All Rights ReservedLess «

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