Stephen Stills Announces Autism Benefit Lineup

Stephen Stills has announced the lineup for his upcoming autism fundraiser. The show comes in partnership with Neil Young and will also include appearances by Sheryl Crow, Judy Collins, Burt Bacharch, Chris Stills, Jack Black, and Christina Applegate.More »

By on January 19, 2018

Stephen Stills has announced the lineup for his upcoming autism fundraiser. The show comes in partnership with Neil Young and will also include appearances by Sheryl Crow, Judy Collins, Burt Bacharch, Chris Stills, Jack Black, and Christina Applegate. “The reason we started Light Up The Blues was out of the void of me not having to be micromanaging Henry so much, as he was finally in a good place,” Stills’ wife Kristen tells Rolling Stone. “Stephen and I wanted to give back to families that don’t have time and resources to make their kid’s life a full-time job with lots of overtime.” She adds: “Neil [Young] stopped by our house one day last year,” says Kristen. “He said, ‘Stephen, man, we gotta do Light Up The Blues again.'” Stills couldn’t have agreed more. “He said, ‘Look, I’m out of the Bridge School. And now it’s over to you,'” says Stephen. “I watched how he did the Bridge School benefits and I got great lessons from it.” Copyright(c) 2018 All Rights ReservedLess «

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