Walter Becker’s Estate Moves To Dismiss Donald Fagen’s Lawsuit
Walter Becker’s estate has filed a motion to dismiss a lawsuit filed by his former partner Donald Fagen in Steely Dan. Fagen has sued Becker’s estate claiming that the pair had previously signed a band agreement stating that in the event of a member’s death all ownership shares in the band’s businesses would be transferred to the living member.More »
By on February 8, 2018
Walter Becker’s estate has filed a motion to dismiss a lawsuit filed by his former partner Donald Fagen in Steely Dan. Fagen has sued Becker’s estate claiming that the pair had previously signed a band agreement stating that in the event of a member’s death all ownership shares in the band’s businesses would be transferred to the living member. Becker’s legal team is citing a provision that seemingly indicated their band agreement would be terminated following the transfer for all band interests to one owner. Fagen, of course, disputes this claim and his team has stated that Becker’s estate has “already received its fair share of Steely Dan’s revenues based on Becker’s contributions to the band while he was alive.” His legal team adds: “It would be unfair for one band member – in this case Fagen – to continue to tour as Steely Dan and do all the work while a deceased band member’s heirs reap half the benefits.” Copyright(c) 2018 All Rights ReservedLess «