David Crosby Says Mutual Hatred For Trump Could Reunite CSNY
David Crosby has opened up about the current state of CSNY and says if one factor could get them to reunite it’s their shared hatred of Donald Trump. The band has been constantly at the center of reunion rumors.More »
By on February 9, 2018
David Crosby has opened up about the current state of CSNY and says if one factor could get them to reunite it’s their shared hatred of Donald Trump. The band has been constantly at the center of reunion rumors. “Yes, it might [happen], but we don’t get along, and we haven’t gotten along for a while,” Crosby said. “They’re all mad at me. But they all dislike Donald Trump very much, the same way I do. We dislike him intensely because he’s a spoiled child who can’t do his job. So a reunion is possible. We don’t like each other, but we like Trump a whole lot less.” He added: “I don’t just bash him — I take him apart and hang him up by his thumbs,” he said. “I really, really, dislike the guy. But at my concerts I come down pretty hard on most politicians. I have a very low opinion of politicians.” Furthermore he said fans who also voted for Trump need not attend show: “I don’t need them,” he said. Copyright(c) 2018 RTTNews.com. All Rights ReservedLess «