Bon Jovi Members Talk Reunion

The members of Bon Jovi have announced plans to reunite this year for their Rock and Roll Hall of Fame Induction and keyboardist David Bryan and drummer Tico Torres say reuniting with former members Richie Sambora and Alec Such will be emotional.More »

By on February 27, 2018

The members of Bon Jovi have announced plans to reunite this year for their Rock and Roll Hall of Fame Induction and keyboardist David Bryan and drummer Tico Torres say reuniting with former members Richie Sambora and Alec Such will be emotional. “[S]peaking to Alec on the phone, it was wonderful,” Torres revealed to Billboard. “We took that journey together at certain times as a group, and I think it’s wonderful we can re-enact that — not only for us, but for the fans. I think when you get together with old friends, there’s always going to be some deep emotions within that.” Bryan adds: “Who knows what the future is, but we usually make records. I don’t think we’re gonna put out songs. These are just adding to [the album] ’cause it’s a continuation of the tour, a new leg.” Copyright(c) 2018 All Rights ReservedLess «

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