Journey’s Jonathan Cain will release a new solo album, The Songs You Leave Behind, next month, which he calls a very personal album. “These songs weren’t written to be hits,” Cain tells Billboard. “They weren’t written to be commercial. They’re just telling a story. You have to define yourself — Who is Jonathan Cain? Who is the guy who wrote ‘Faithfully?’ I wanted to find that guy again, what’s his story? If I didn’t get all these songs done and recorded and out, I wouldn’t have felt complete. It was something I had to do.” The Songs You Leave Behind will be released on June 8. The album features “The Day They Became Angels,” which recalls the 1958 fire at his parochial school in Chicago that killed 92 of his classmates and was written for the 50th anniversary commemoration of the tragedy. Copyright(c) 2018 All Rights ReservedLess «