Former Home Of Johnny Cash’s Mother Hits The Market

The former home of Johnny Cash’s mother, known as “Mama Cash Home” has been listed for sale. The 2,809-square-foot home, spread over one acre of land on Caudill Drive in Hendersonville, has four bedrooms and three bathrooms, and a patio. It is listed for $845,000, via »

By on June 30, 2018

The former home of Johnny Cash’s mother, known as “Mama Cash Home” has been listed for sale. The 2,809-square-foot home, spread over one acre of land on Caudill Drive in Hendersonville, has four bedrooms and three bathrooms, and a patio. It is listed for $845,000, via The home’s current owners, Brian and Sally Oxley, bought the property in 2014 and renovated it to look similar to when the Cashes lived there, according to the Tennessean. “I’m doing it regrettably,” Oxley said about selling the home. “Johnny Cash and June spent their last months in that home, because his eyesight wasn’t well, he was in a wheelchair and his bedroom was on the upper floor,” he said. “Some of the songs for American V: A Hundred Highways were recorded there,” he added. Copyright(c) 2018 All Rights ReservedLess «

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