Yes Plaque To Be Unveiled In London Next Month

Long-time fan and author, David Watkinson has designed and organized the establishment of a blue plaque in honour of the band Yes at the place of their inception.More »

By on July 21, 2018

Long-time fan and author, David Watkinson has designed and organized the establishment of a blue plaque in honour of the band Yes at the place of their inception. Located at 184 Shaftesbury Avenue, it was at Lucky Horseshow Cafe that members of the band first came together; in the basement of this building, they stored their equipment and rehearsed ceaselessly. Originally named the Marble Greeyer’s Toyshop, Yes performed their very first show at London’s infamous Marquee Club two days later. The plaque will be unveiled at the spot-now known as the Wildwood Restaurant-on August 3 on their 50th anniversary to the day. All are invited to the unveiling and the official website of the band, YesWorld requests attendees to RSVP for the event, which will begin at 11:30 AM; those who wish to attend to lunch are requested to book a table through the restaurant. Yes is presently on their 50th anniversary American tour. Copyright(c) 2018 All Rights ReservedLess «

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