Guns N’ Roses guitarist Slash has reportedly finalized a divorce settlement with his ex, Perla Ferrara, after a divorce battle that has lasted over three years. Slash, 53, and Ferrara, 43, reached an agreement to finalize their divorce at a Los Angeles courtroom on Tuesday, according to TMZ. Slash will pay Ferrara $6.6 million as well as $100,000 per month in spousal support and $39,000 per month in child support, TMZ reported citing the divorce settlement. Slash won the right to retain all of his musical instruments and compositions. The future proceeds from them also belong to Slash. He will be entitled to get a Ford F-150 car and a house in Beverly Hills, while Ferrara will get the house in L.A., a Range Rover, and two Mercedes. Ferrara gets primary physical custody of the two sons she shares with the rocker — London Emilio, 16 and Cash Anthony, 14. Both the children will get .09 percent each of their father’s income for the next two decades. Copyright(c) 2018 All Rights ReservedLess «