Joan Jett Unveils ‘Fresh Start’

Joan Jett has dropped “Fresh Start,” a song from the documentary Bad Reputation, which takes a look at the life of the rock star. The Bad Reputation sound track will be released on September 28.More »

By on September 12, 2018

Joan Jett has dropped “Fresh Start,” a song from the documentary Bad Reputation, which takes a look at the life of the rock star. The Bad Reputation sound track will be released on September 28. “Fresh Start,” which premiered on Entertainment Weekly, deals with the problems that rock singers face when they reach a certain age, and gender discrimination in an industry dominated by men. “Sometimes you need to say to yourself, ‘Am I still enjoying what I’m doing? I need to find the fire again,'” Jett told the weekly. “Part of it was just thinking about rock in general. It’s always been a young person’s game, writing about sex, love and partying. As rock and rollers get older, what do they write about? I’m not sure there’s an answer, but we’re looking for it,” she added. Copyright(c) 2018 All Rights ReservedLess «

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