AC/DC’s longtime engineer and mixer has confirmed that the band have been in the studio together and “doing something.” In an interview on the “Mastering Music Mastering Life” podcast, AC/DC engineer Mike Fraser was asked by host Tony “Jack The Bear” Mantz if rumors of the band working on another album was true. Fraser replied, “Well yeah, I could say that we’ve been in the studio doing something. What’s come of that I can’t discuss yet.” In August last year, AC/DC members Brian Johnson and Phil Rudd were photographed together outside Vancouver’s Warehouse Studios and were later spotted again with Fraser. This started rumors of the band coming back together to work on new album. When asked whether Johnson is back on vocals, Fraser said, “I think so.” Johnson had to stop touring with AC/DC in 2016 due to the threat of permanent deafness. The band brought in Guns N’ Roses frontman Axl Rose to complete their Rock Or Bust world tour. Copyright(c) 2019 All Rights ReservedLess «