On June 18th, 1942 history was made. Today, Paul McCartney celebrates his 77th year on Earth! None of us were there. However, we’re pretty sure Paul McCartney was born humming “Come Together” with a guitar in his hand.

While it’s not actually “International Paul McCartney Day,” it might as well be. Paul isn’t keeping quiet about his birthday either, and why would anyone want him to?

The musical genius posted a photo on Instagram with the simple caption “It’s my birthday too, yeah.”


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It’s my birthday too, yeah 🥳 #PaulMcCartney

A post shared by Paul McCartney (@paulmccartney) on

We aren’t the only ones wishing Paul McCartney a happy birthday! Tons of fans are showering McCartney with kind words and friends like the Estate of Geroge Harrison are wishing him the best of days.

Paul McCartney doesn’t plan on stopping his legacy anytime soon, with his ‘Paul is Live’ reissue dropping and his tour starting in late July. Paul is out there living his best life, as he should.

Happy Birthday Paul McCartney!