Attending college has never seemed so appealing. A university in Australia is taking School House Rock to a whole new level by offering a Ph.D. in heavy metal.

The University of Newcastle, Australia even created a FULL RIDE SCHOLARSHIP to research the social geography of Heavy Metal culture. Yes, you read that correctly. The University will pay for you to listen and study Heavy Metal music throughout the ages.

The scholarship was created by Dr. Simon Springer, Director of Human Geography at the University of Newcastle. Springer posted the scholarship opportunity on his website Anarchist Geography.

The qualifications

You do need a Bachelors degree. However, you don’t need a Masters degree to snag this dream.

The application process will take some work. You’ll have to craft a preliminary Research Proposal along with a CV to Dr. Springer by August 15th.

As if there weren’t enough perks, the scholarship includes a living allowance of $27,596 annually! Thought money would be an issue? Think again because the University is hooking you up with an actual dream come true.

The studies

You’ll get your hands on all kinds of Heavy Metal. Death Metal, Black Metal, Thrash Metal. British Metal, American Metal, Australian Metal. Specifically, you’ll explore how the genre has evolved around the world and what cultures define Heavy Metal music.

Since the program is in Australia, you’ll learn how the country has “developed its own unique and passionate approach” to Heavy Metal by “producing a number of high profile bands,” according to the scholarship posting. Plus, you’ll be in college, so it’ll be socially acceptable to look like you listen to Heavy Metal.

In an interview with KERRANG!, Springer said the University gave him the freedom to “to recruit students to work in areas of personal interest.” Not only is the University providing funding to study the subject, but they’re also paying for two students to join him.

Springer hopes to grant someone an opportunity he didn’t have himself.

“I also think the opportunities for funding in this particular area are few and far between, so I thought why not put a call out for applications and see if anyone is interested in studying the geography of heavy metal?” said Springer.

“I would have loved for someone to tell me that studying about metal is a legitimate academic pursuit!”