By Matthew Brooks

Toronto took the NBA title this year and it is hungry for more.

The title for the world’s largest calzone is now in a city in the Toronto area.

Pizza makers from the area united in a common goal: make people’s second-favorite kind of pizza.

The finished product measured 59 feet in length.

The Vaughn Pizza Festival posted a picture of the event on its Instagram account.

The Daily Hive posted a picture of the calzone, cooked in all of its pizza-like glory.

Some may describe a calzone as a gigantic stuffed crust.

On the cult-favorite “Parks & Recreation,” the main character Leslie Knope describes calzones with less appreciation.

Calzones are pointless. They’re just pizza that’s harder to eat. No one likes them. Good day, sir.

The creators say the 59-foot calzone met the intended goal to become officially the world’s longest.