Halloween is one of the best times all year. People let their freak flags fly, creative juices flow to craft the perfect costume, and everyone loves free candy (even if you’re stealing it from your kiddo).
Trick or treating is not as fun as observing what everyone has decided to be for a night. For some, Halloween is the time to playout your wildest fantasies. Do you believe you should have been born in the 1920s? Cool! On the 31st of October, you’re an authentic flapper! For others, Halloween is a holiday where a $50 outfit from Spirit Halloween never sees the light of day.
Americans are expected to spend more money this Halloween than ever before. $8.8 billion to be exact. If you do the math, the average cost of a costume per person is $86.27! Amazing how much people will spend to play dress-up for the night.
However, the worst is spending $86 bucks on the same persona as someone else. While great minds think alike, there can only be one Bette Midler at the party.
Thankfully, there’s a list out there informing everyone of the most popular Halloween costume in their state!
It’s not surprising the majority of the country prefers to dress as their favorite superhero/villain! Everyone loves to see Mr. Incredible trick or treating peacefully with Ursula.
Some states have an unexpected number one choice. Looking at you, Texas.
Utah’s front-runner costume is the infamous Spiderman! While you’re out and about this Hollows Evening, make sure to count how many Spiddies you see webbing around!