Opioid Quiz

By Eric Openshaw on November 19, 2020

Heroin is an opioid?

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Flushing your medications down the toilet is the best way to dispose of your medication?

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To safely dispose of your leftover or expired opioids find a medication drop box. These permanent community collection sites are free and can be found at law enforcement agencies and participating pharmacies across the state.

You won’t always be able to tell if someone you know is misusing prescription medication?

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Signs and symptoms of prescription drug misuse or abuse can be physical, behavioral, and/or psychological. If someone you know is struggling with prescription drug misuse and shows signs get them the help they need.

Opioid addiction is just a psychological disorder and people who are dependent simply need better willpower?

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Opioid dependence is the same as opioid addiction?

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Anyone who takes opioids for prolonged periods of time will become physically dependent on the drugs but only a small percentage of those people will become addicted.

What questions should you be asking your doctor, dentist or pharmacist?

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Your children know that prescription medications are considered drugs?

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Don't' presume that illegal drugs are the only threat. Remind your children that taking someone else’s prescription or sharing theirs with others is illegal and harmful.

The best way to protect your teens from prescription medications is:

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Opioid Quiz
You Know Your Script!

You know Opoids inside and out. The threats, the risks, and how people are dealing with dependence are second nature to you.
Good start, but try again

Pretty good, but you can definitely do better! Try again!
Try again!

That's ok. Pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and try again

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