Your Health is More Important Than a Gadget

If you take better care of your car or favorite electronic gadget than your own health, you are not alone.

Men are known for having an overwhelmingly dismissive attitude when it comes to their physical health. Dr. Scott Hansen from Intermountain Healthcare says maintaining an active lifestyle is not only needed, but it’s necessary.

By on July 2, 2014

If you take better care of your car or favorite electronic gadget than your own health, you are not alone.

Men are known for having an overwhelmingly dismissive attitude when it comes to their physical health. Dr. Scott Hansen from Intermountain Healthcare says maintaining an active lifestyle is not only needed, but it’s necessary.

“Physical activity becomes one of the best preventative strategies for developing coronary heart disease,” he says.

Hansen recommends at least 150 minutes of exercise a week. He says a great way to start would be to take 30 minutes to go for a walk. The next day, do it again. It may not take long until you have the desire to move your feet a little faster.

“Running or jogging is a great benefit. It’s an excellent way to keep your heart strong, to deal with stress, to avoid depression and to keep your blood pressure lower,” he said.

Learn how to avoid injuries. Running on natural surfaces like grass is better on your joints. Take extra care if you carry extra weight.

“You do put extra strain and stress on your weight-bearing joints if you are overweight,” Hansen said.

In these warmer months, a bicycle is a great way to work out while experiencing Utah’s beauty.

“Cycling as a lifetime activity is an excellent choice. Individuals, especially those who have difficulties with jogging or running, early arthritis or other conditions, often find that cycling is much more comfortable,” Hansen said.

Hansen rates cycling, walking and running as the top three activities most individuals should consider as a part of their preventative health exercise program.

Don’t forget to take advantage of some of the nation’s most accessible and affordable golf courses, right here in Utah. “Golf for men is probably one of the funnest activities. Golf is a great opportunity for relaxation, socialization and some of the benefits we get from just general physical activity,” he said.

When it comes to movement, strength training is key for all men.

“Without the combination of good cardiovascular exercise and strength-training exercise, we’ll end up with body imbalances,” Hansen said. “That should be a recommended activity for every adult male.”

No matter what way you choose to move, take safety precautions. Remember that being active is not only good for your physical health, but your mental health as well. If you would like ideas on how to be active in your community, healthy recipes and other health advice, visit

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