Jim Morrison’s Pornographic Peanuts Cartoon Featured In Rock Auction
Auction house Lelands is putting a dirty cartoon drawn by Doors fronter Jim Morrison on the block. The drawing features characters familiar from Charles M. Schultz’s Peanuts gang having an off-color convo. “Charles M. Schultz would be outraged!” writes the auctioneers of the sketch. “Doors frontman Jim Morrison was quite the cut-up . . .”More »
By on July 3, 2015
Auction house Lelands is putting a dirty cartoon drawn by Doors fronter Jim Morrison on the block. The drawing features characters familiar from Charles M. Schultz’s Peanuts gang having an off-color convo. “Charles M. Schultz would be outraged!” writes the auctioneers of the sketch. “Doors frontman Jim Morrison was quite the cut-up, as evidenced by this humorous original artwork incorporating pasted-on Peanuts character cut-outs with his own handwritten dialogue. It is, of course, loaded with sexual overtones.” In one frame Charlie Brown asks Lucy for sexual favors in exchange for money, while in another Linus complains of contracting an STD. The full cartoon – reserve price $1,000 – is viewable at Lelands.com; the auction begins on July 17 at 9 p.m. EST. Copyright(c) 2015 RTTNews.com. All Rights ReservedLess «