Keith Richards has opened up about fatherhood and says that despite being one of the world’s biggest rock stars, he is a family man at his core. Speaking with GQ he says that ultimately his family is what has kept him going in such a harsh business for so many years. “I don’t care how cool and hip and whatever you think you are. You get down the line, baby, what counts is family. This is what I did it for,” he said in the interview. He went on to speak specifically about his son Marlon, who was by his dad’s side throughout his tough bouts with addiction. “Of course it was hard on him, growing up like Gypsies, outlaws, nomads. No education. On the road. It’s amazing what kids can adapt to. It all comes out in the wash. And anyway, we didn’t really do anything that wrong. I mean, he could have grown up the son of health-nut freaks.” Copyright(c) 2015 All Rights ReservedLess «
Keith Richards Talks Family With GQ

Dec 1, 2015, 12:00 AM