Joe Perry has revealed that he is nearing completion on his new solo release. The Aerosmith guitar legend spoke with about the new release and says he’s inching towards the finish line on the new release. “I just need to polish it up a bit more,” said Perry. “I’m looking to release some of it in the new year.” He adds, “It’s got all kinds of sounds, but I would probably say ‘funky’ is the quickest way to put it. Everything starts with rhythm and that vibe. When I’m writing songs, it always starts with some variation of R&B and funk, whether it’s been from the first Aerosmith stuff till what we’re going to work on this afternoon.” Perry’s Aerosmith bandmate Steven Tyler released his first solo album, We’re All Somebody from Somewhere, on July 15. Copyright(c) 2016 All Rights ReservedLess «
Joe Perry Speaks On New Solo Record

Sep 26, 2016, 12:00 AM