KISS Lose The Makeup For Oregon Military Fundraiser
KISS offered up a rare makeup-free performance during a recent fundraiser for a military charity. The appearance came earlier this week at the “All-Star Salute To The Oregon Military” which helped raise money for a $20 million new Oregon Military Museum.More »
By on February 23, 2017
KISS offered up a rare makeup-free performance during a recent fundraiser for a military charity. The appearance came earlier this week at the “All-Star Salute To The Oregon Military” which helped raise money for a $20 million new Oregon Military Museum. The band also made recent headlines when Gene Simmons opened up about his complex relationship with band mate Paul Stanley. Speaking with Goldmine magazine, Simmons said that they’ve had ups and downs but their relationship is currently stronger than ever. “You have to figure out that the person next to you isn’t you,” Gene explained. “So sometimes you don’t understand why I might have a different appetite than him. I make no excuses for having a record company and now a film company.” Copyright(c) 2017 All Rights ReservedLess «