Bruce Springsteen Brings Young Fan Onstage To Play Drums
Bruce Springsteen gave an 11-year-old fan the chance of a lifetime when he invited her up on stage to play drums during his show in Christchurch, New Zealand earlier this week. According to her father, Hayley also left the stage with a signed drumstick.More »
By on February 24, 2017
Bruce Springsteen gave an 11-year-old fan the chance of a lifetime when he invited her up on stage to play drums during his show in Christchurch, New Zealand earlier this week. Hayley Dockrill, who was in the audience with her family, was holding a sign that was given to her by another fan prior to the show that read “I can resist Trump, but I can’t resist Max.” The sign apparently got the attention of The Boss because he invited her onstage to join Max Weinberg on drums for the iconic track “Dancing in the Dark.” “Bruce came along and he just pointed the finger at her, so I lifted her over the security barrier and she ran up to the drum kit and started drumming away,” her father told The New Zealand Herald. “It was perfectly in tune, but I don’t know how she did it because we don’t have any musical ability.” According to her father, Hayley also left the stage with a signed drumstick. Copyright(c) 2017 All Rights ReservedLess «