Neil Young Responds To NRA Spokesperson’s Comments
Neil Young has fired back at NRA spokesperson Dana Loesch, who has repeatedly expressed her distaste for the rock icon on social media. Loesch, who is known for her extreme right-wing statements and videos, has often blasted Young for his statements in support of stricter gun laws.More »
By on March 16, 2018
Neil Young has fired back at NRA spokesperson Dana Loesch, who has repeatedly expressed her distaste for the rock icon on social media. Loesch, who is known for her extreme right-wing statements and videos, has often blasted Young for his statements in support of stricter gun laws. Young recently spoke about the beef during an interview with the Daily Beast and says that he’s happy to have the NRA’s ear: “Well, I’m glad I got under her skin,” he says. When he was informed that Loesch has compared his voice to a “dying cow fart” on multiple occasions, Young laughed and jokingly stated: “Why doesn’t she just shoot me?” He was quick to follow up the joke, however, adding: “You know, I hate to say that because I have kids and I really don’t want anybody to shoot me,” he says. “I’ve still got to bring up my kids, so don’t take that seriously!” Copyright(c) 2018 All Rights ReservedLess «