Arkansas is set to host one of the first concerts in the country since the pandemic began
By Trent Sell
Bishop Gun is the front runner of the rock band, Travis McCready who will be playing on May 15 at TempleLive in Fort Smith, AK. This will be one of the first concerts since the countrywide ban on mass gatherings back in March.
Socially distanced concerts
Working industry professionals and fans are ready to get back to concerts and live events, but you may be wondering what the new “norm” for concerts will look like. The governor of Arkansas, Asa Hutchinson announced on Monday that indoor venues could resume shows as of May 18. This is three days after Travis McCready is set to play. Fort Smith Mayor George B. Mcgill confirmed with Billboard that state guidelines would be followed for live events.
Beaty Capital, the owner of TempleLive, believes they will be able to proceed with the show despite it being three days before the ban is lifted. With additional information, Beaty thinks the Governor’s office will allow for the show’s capacity and the May 15th date.
The proposed concert will look a little different than what Travis McCready is used too. Strict capacity and social distancing measures are being enforced by the venue.
The 1,100 capacity theatre will be reduced by 80%, leaving 229 seats available for purchase. The tickets are being sold as “fan pods,” these groups of 2-13 seats are distanced 6 feet apart from one another and must be purchased together. Facemasks are required to enter and will be available for purchase at the venue. A 10 person limit in the bathrooms with “no-touch” towel and soap dispensers, as well as pre-packaged beverages from concessions is set in place.
The venue is taking in extensive sanitization measures using fog sprayers three days prior to the event. In accordance to CDC guidelines, fans will be directed through one-way walkways to maintain social distancing during the event. Sanitizing stations and other standard social distancing guidelines will be enforced at the venue as well.