Pete Townshend, the legendary guitarist of The Who, recently admitted that he really doesn’t enjoy performing live. He claims to not get any thrill or natural high out of the experience. Townshend stated in an interview with The Times that “I would be a liar if I said, ‘It was really fun, man. It was great!’ It wasn’t great. It was a gig. I did it and I got paid. The fact is, I don’t really like performing. But I’m good at it. I’m lucky to be good at something. I could have worked in an abattoir.” Townshend and the rest of The Who recently took part in the Desert Trip festival in Coachella, California. The band is scheduled to play some shows in the United Kingdom beginning late March 2017 and continuing into April. Copyright(c) 2016 All Rights ReservedLess «
The Who’s Pete Townshend Admits He Doesn’t Really Like Performing

Oct 24, 2016, 12:00 AM